Was haben unsere Johanniskirche und der italienische Dichterfürst Dante Alighieri miteinander zu tun? - Zwölf Künstler*innen zeigen es Ihnen im folgenden Video anlässlich des 700. Todestag des großen Dichters Italiens, dem 14. September 2021.
Musik von Francis Chandler – einige Zeilen aus Dantes „Göttliche Komödie“ – Gedichte aus Jan Kemps Gedichtbänden „Voicetracks“ sowie „Dante Down Under“.
What do our St. John's Church and the Italian poet Dante Alighieri have to do with each other?
To honour the great Italian poet Dante Alighieri on the 700th anniversary of his death on September 14th 2021, twelve artists present an interesting connection.
Music by Francis Chandler - some lines from Dante's "Divine Comedy" as well as poems from Jan Kemp's poetry collections "Voicetracks" and "Dante Down Under".